It’s been a really great week around here, despite getting the news about my dumb heart tests + monitor.
I get that the tests aren’t necessarily stupid, ok, I just detest having to sport a monitor and carry a phone for a month, not to mention spending my Monday at the hospital getting said tests done. So much fun.
But, I started school this week, and my classes seem fun and interesting. I’m actually taking one called Stress Prevention & Management to replace a grade I got back in 2012. First of all, 2012 Bri knew what she was doing slowing 2019 Bri down. Secondly, who in the hell fails a class about stress…but whatever. Moving on.
The best news of all is that my husband studied his ass off and got accepted into the scholarship program I did, for hvac, and we’ll be doing all of this together. I can’t overstate how proud I am of him. He has not just picked up the slack left behind by MS, he has gone above + beyond to make sure everything he can do to make my life easier is done. He’s always been a badass husband, but this seriously tops the cake.
Why am I bringing all these fabulous things up today? Simply because, two weeks ago, this was not my life. I was letting stress get to me more often than I’d like to admit (kind of starting to see how one could fail that class, but I digress) and was worried about all kinds of ridiculous things. Seriously ridiculous things that could never happen.
Almost two months ago, I was the sickest I’ve ever been. Looking back, of course hindsight is 20/20, but I really had no idea how sick I was, and why everyone around me was freaking out. I’ve never felt that bad in my life. My physical health was so bad my emotional health had no chance.
Why am I bringing up all these fabulous things occuring in my life today? Because life changes, good times come and go. So do the bad ones. Sometimes, the bad ones hang around for awhile. It might seem like the rain is never going to end. We’ve all felt like this. The cool thing is, we’ve also all survived these feelings and moved on to better ones.