I wish I had some upbeat, informational post to share with you today. I wanted to do a post on EDS, ableism in the chronic illness community, and others this month…I still hope to get another one out, but, we’ll see.
So why am I here?
Just to say – I see you. You, with the serious pandemic fatigue. Wearing your mask, staying home as much as you can still, trying to stay informed but not letting all the COVID updates on the news overwhelm your life. Figuring out how to work from home, or go to school from home, or teaching little ones at home.
I see you, I feel you. This is not easy.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again; this too shall pass. But it won’t pass without leaving its mark, making its presence known. It’s already done that in my household; thankfully not in a fatal way, although that is the unfortunate reality for many families.
I’ve also said I’m sure no one in 1918 expected to live during a pandemic, but there they were, and here we are. I don’t have any great advice or inspirational quote to say other than…I see you, I feel you, and this. is. not. easy.
Most of us will make it through this, but some of us will not. Don’t forget that those numbers on the tv screen listing fatalities represent someone’s Mom, or brother, or best friend since elementary school, or someone equally as special to someone. They all matter a lot more than just a number on the screen.Â
I also wanted to say – Americans, and others, with political fatigue, I see you, too. We have a little under a month until Election Day, and it’s only going to ramp up from here. Try to stay sane, and if you can, go vote.Â
If you saw my post on resources for allies, you know where I stand on these issues, and what we need to do. Doesn’t make living through the constant bombardment of political advertisements easier to deal with, or some of the guilt that comes with knowing you can vote, write politicians, and spend your money wisely…but what else can we really do?Â
I don’t have the answer. I wish I did. To both the political and pandemic messes we’re in right now. All I can say is I hear you, see you, and feel your discomfort. Hang in there…this too shall pass.Â