Since I started the Fall semester last year, you may have noticed a decline in the amount I’m posting here on StumblePup – you would have noticed correctly if so. I’m not going to even try to front; I have been absolutely, positively slammed since I started school started up last August.
Not to mention, the holidays were a chaotic swirl of wham bam thank you ma’am.
But adorable pictures were captured, so who am I to complain?

Because of that lapse, I wanted to take a quick second to just check in with you all.
I saw my Neurologist a couple weeks ago, and got some VERY exciting news – the initial read on my MRI was wrong…I’m stable. Completely, absolutely, positively stable.
This is a really intense, great feeling; one you can’t quite get unless you have lesions in your brain you desperately want to be quiet, or something similar.
Does this mean what I’m doing is working? There’s no scientific study proving it beyond a reasonable doubt with factors set to control various outcomes…but I’m stable.
Moving forward, all this means is that I’m happily sticking with what I’m doing.
In other news, I’ve mentioned on Instagram about how I don’t really do New Years resolutions. That being said, I do like to set flexible goals often. One of those goals is to advocate a little more fiercely, so I can reach a few more people.
I’ve got all types of plans for content this year – 2020 should be a good one for Stumble Pup.
When I asked readers for content suggestions, I was once again not disappointed. I plan on covering a lot of new, different, and exciting topics soon. Starting with, but not limited to –
- Meal planning + prepping for gf vegans;
- More mental health topics, including internalized ableism;
- How I use exercise for specific symptoms;
- Being a disabled fur baby mama;
- Minimalism + slowing down;
- Nature, supplements, DMD’s, meditation, + more.
As always, if there is something YOU want to read about here on Stumble Pup – I want to hear about it!! Drop me a comment below, or send me an email – – my inbox is always open. My next post about being a disabled fur baby mama will be live in just a couple days. Until then, you can follow me on Instagram or Pinterest to see what I’m up to.