This is post going to be fairly short and sweet. In my previous post about Rebif, I went over a lot of the basics about it. Today is going to be a quick update on how the past two weeks, and titration up, have been treating me.
I just completed week four, and my final 22mcg dose, last night. As usual, I stuck with my routine. I took ibuprofen or tylenol (I can’t remember which) an hour before, alcohol wiped the injection area, injected, and massaged after.
I did add one step in the last couple of injections. I’ve been icing the site for a minute or so pre-inection. I’ve been told it can help lessen the pain of the actual medicine, and I’m happy to report, does work.
If you’ve been on interferon inections, then you know the burn I’m trying to avoid. If your nurse says it’s ok, and the it’s really bothersome, give icing the site a try!
I also experienced my first instance of Rebif induced nausea. Let’s just say, my lack of water and a Redd’s variety pack were the main instigators. I’ve had little to no side effects other than that one day.
Tomorrow is my first 44mcg dose – the full monty, if you will. I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes!
Because this was so short, there will be another post later this week. It’ll be the third installment in my Introduction to MS Series. I plan on going over the symptoms of MS – the many, MANY symptoms of MS. It’s called the Snowflake Disease for a reason! So many symptoms, and yet so little awareness.
Make sure you’re subscribed to Stumble Pup so you don’t miss it!
Until next time,