welcome to stumble pup – my stumbles through life
my tips + tricks for thriving with chronic illness
Hey guys! If you’re new here, welcome. I’m Bri and I created Stumble Pup.

This blog was created to provide some support or even just a laugh in the tricky world I live in. Autoimmune Diseases, like Multiple Sclerosis, affect 1 in 5 people in America. I don’t know where you’re from, but those numbers are startling, and even higher incidences can be found in other parts of the world.
So, chances are even if you don’t have an autoimmune disease, you find yourself here because someone you know or love does.
This diagnosis has been the craziest – and best– thing to have ever occurred in my life. It took me over a decade of mysterious symptoms and different misdiagnosis before I finally received my answer.
Now that I have it, it’s changed my life in so many ways. I eat, sleep, and think differently. I’ve learned SO many different ways to navigate the autoimmune world, and I want to share it with all of you.
Before I get more into who and what this blog is, let me be clear what it isn’t –
I am not a doctor. Therefore, the information found on my blog should not be treated as medical expertise; these are all my own opinions, based on my personal experiences, and should not be considered medical advice.
You should a l w a y s consult your Dr. on any decisions you make regarding your diet, exercise, medications, supplements, etc. . If you don’t have a medical team that you trust, I highly suggest you start building yours. They make a world of difference.
So now that we’ve been over the legal stuff, let’s move on to fun stuff; what Stumble Pup is –
Stumble Pup was named so because when my baby Wuppy was fixed, he came home a little groggy from the anesthesia. He was stumbling around and it was very cute, so the name stuck.
During my last big flare before I was diagnosed, I looked at my sister at some point and said, “I’m a bit of a stumble pup today.” In a flare, my balance has always been way off, so I’m all over the place. Just like Wuppy was.

Stumble Pup was created because I realized my journey needed to be shared. I also began my journey searching for personal experiences on all types of things – from acupuncture, to CBD Oil, and autoimmune protocols – that I thought I could possibly benefit from. I found some, but not enough. So, here I am.
I’ve learned and been able to experience a lot since I was diagnosed, and being able to share that knowledge with others is what I’m here for.
Getting this diagnosis isn’t easy, nor is living with it. I don’t want others to struggle like I did to find answers to questions we shouldn’t even have to ask.
I hope everyone who finds their way here, whether for yourself or someone you love, finds something useful. Follow me on Instagram + Pinterest, and make sure you’re subscribed to my email list so you can keep up with Stumble Pup. I hope to hear from you soon!

Just want to say that I really enjoy your posts! I “stumbled upon” (haha) your blog this evening from your IG page and read them all. As a fellow writer (technical) and a current MSer myself, I appreciate your words and natural style. Looking forward to reading more. 🙂
I appreciate that! And the pun 🙂 In my opinion, one of the best parts of blogging are the new people I meet and conversations I get to have. Please keep reading and let me know what you think of future content, too!