This Friday, as much as I hate to, I must quote Lil Wayne in saying,
“Bitch, I’m feelin’ brand new.”
I haven’t posted in a couple weeks, so here’s a short recap of why – I jumped right into the first half of my classes, experienced several more health stumbles, and my late fathers mom passed away, which was gratefully bitter sweet. It’s always sad to say goodbye, but she was ready to go. So, off we went for the funeral. Oh, also to see my Dads grave for the first time since he died. The week after, both the hubs and I started our vocational programs. I also got a new job yesterday.
It’s been a hell of a few weeks, guys.
I think I’ve deal relatively well, considering. My holter monitor started giving me blisters, so I got to take it off early. – serious score – I started the first half of classes I’ll be taking this semester with great grades. My best friend and I are doing each others hair tomorrow, and planning a presentation on her experiences for a domestic violence shelter. The best part is that both Phil and I LOVE our vocational programs.
Who am I, and what happened to nervous, anxious, scared of the future, whining, sad Bri who was just here?
For whatever reason, when 2019 hit, I hit the ground running. I’m still keeping up on my counseling, acupuncture, journaling, and self-care to make sure I can keep going, of course. I’m exercising and doing yoga often. Smoothies continue to be a daily thing for me, too.
Whatever it is, it’s working, and I’m so grateful.
I’m feeling brand new because this is what I’m deeming my new normal. I’ve fallen victim to the victim mentality far too often in the past few months..I’ve had good days, bad days, and everything in between. I’m not trying to downplay the misery I’ve experienced, but rather emphasize the way I plan on feeling, the way I want to feel. Speak it into existence, right?
I think with chronic illness, and MS in general, sometimes we let ourselves forget that bad days are just that – a bad day. Not a bad life. Yeah, sometimes flares are more like a bad month. It’s still not a bad life.
Cliche time – Eventually, everything does work it’s way out. Life works out.
Anyways, I’m working on making a blog content calendar and I’ve got a couple of things I’d like to write about this year, but I want to know what YOU want to read about. Should I do a post on the best beauty treatments post-steroids, how I started meditating, what I’m putting in my smoothies these days…anything else you can think of? Let me know!