This week has been a fulfilling, exciting blur. Dr appointments, new job stuff, old job stuff, college classes, vocational program classes, and all the extra stuff life with MS brings filled my week up very quickly. I’m loving the new productivity I’m experiencing. It just feels good to get stuff done, doesn’t it?
Writing about dealing with grief earlier this week (you can see that here) also helped me put a couple things in perspective. I know we all deal with mortality and death differently. I think that those of us who deal with MS experience this in a unique way sometimes.
When I woke up during my last physical flare, and realized I needed my cane from minute one, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head. All of a sudden, I realized, “Damn, this isn’t so bad.”
Weird, right?
Let me explain. No, I wasn’t in denial. Yes, it sucked going from jumping out of bed and doing whatever I wanted, to reaching for my cane and slowly navigating my way out of my room. That sort of restriction in mobility was brand new to me. The new challenges frustrated me to no end sometimes. But, it wasn’t that bad.
When I reached for my cane, I also realized life is going to go on regardless of how I use the day.
Taking many things into account, I’ve got a good 50-60 years left…if I’m very lucky. I don’t want to waste what I’ve got while I’ve got it. I also want to try to embrace all the cool shit that comes with growing older. Some of it isn’t so cool, but neither are some parts of MS. I think I’ll just take what comes and learn to love it.
So, this week, I’m just trying to enjoy the ride. It’s been a little chaotic but overwhelmingly positive and fulfilling. My classes are going well, and I have my first CMA test next week! This weekend will be full, too. Plans with an old friend Saturday and church on Sunday sound like the perfect end to the week. I’ve been keeping up on my self care, so I feel pretty good most days. It’s nice to take advantage of the energy while I have it.
That being said, I’m off to take a bath and do some yoga before work. Have a safe weekend everyone!