mental health · ms + stuff

Managing Chronic Illness and College

I’m currently in my second year at college, pursuing a degree in Social Work, and eventually hope to get my Masters, too. I’m also a year and a half deep into a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis. Learning to manage the many hats that come along with those two titles has been a real struggle for me.… Continue reading Managing Chronic Illness and College

mental health · ms + stuff

10 Tips for Students With Disabilities – Prepping for College

I juggle a lot of hats in life – some I chose, and others were thrust on me. As if being a wife, fur momma, blogger, licensed beauty professional, and ms warrior weren’t enough, (amongst my other autoimmune and medical conditions) I’m also a college student. I’m currently about three weeks from starting the Fall… Continue reading 10 Tips for Students With Disabilities – Prepping for College

ms + stuff

9 Tips + Tricks for Taking Care of Fur Babies

As I’m a little obsessed with my pets, I thought I’d start this weekend off with a bang and talk about fur babies – Everyone who knows me outside of the world wide web knows I’m in love with my little zoo, and are definitely rolling their eyes at this point in the post. Really,… Continue reading 9 Tips + Tricks for Taking Care of Fur Babies