ms + stuff

Segway Into My New Life, A Story of Diagnosis – My Review

When Meg from BBH posted on Insta about signed copies of her book up for grabs, I immediately jumped at the chance. I’ve told her this before, but I was reading her blog before I was even diagnosed. Many hours were spent digging deep into every post available on her site. It’s a real goldmine… Continue reading Segway Into My New Life, A Story of Diagnosis – My Review

mental health · ms + stuff

10 Tips for Students With Disabilities – Prepping for College

I juggle a lot of hats in life – some I chose, and others were thrust on me. As if being a wife, fur momma, blogger, licensed beauty professional, and ms warrior weren’t enough, (amongst my other autoimmune and medical conditions) I’m also a college student. I’m currently about three weeks from starting the Fall… Continue reading 10 Tips for Students With Disabilities – Prepping for College