The 2019 Indianapolis Walk MS Event was huge.
I don’t mean just space wise, although they took up quite a bit of White River Park. I mean the mood was huge.
I woke up feeling flarey – I know, bummer, after feeling so good the past couple of days – but got on the road with a late start.

We got to the park, and I’m kicking myself for not getting pics of the event itself, but I was overwhelmed. I did not expect the amount of people at all.

My family really knows how to show up + show out, if I do say so myself. Armed with their Don’t MS With Bri and Emotional Support Human Buttons, it was off to the races. By races, I mean the short 1 mile walk around the beautiful canal at a lesiurely pace.
I met up with a fellow ms’er from my local support group – she was decked out, and off we went! Around the canal for a quick mile…but we did it!

After the walk, we headed home for a late birthday celebration for my sweet Phil.

The cake was allll vegan, and super delicious. I’ll post the details on that later.

For now, I’m enjoying a super relaxing Sunday – hot tea, yoga, and meditation have taken up the majority of my morning. Stumble Pup planning will be in full effect this afternoon; if there’s anything you want to read, let me know below!