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Friday Feelings, Pt. 3

This has been a week for the books. Getting over pneumonia, seeing Fall Out Boy, (OMGGGGGGG but more on that in a bit) getting back to work after an extended absence and with new responsibilities, setting up our flea market booth to open this weekend…it’s been full to the brim, but so productive, too. I’m feeling very content this week.
I don’t mean content in the way we usually think, such as content with what one has, not wanting anything more. I mean content with who I am, as new age-ey as it sounds.

Lately, meditation and mindfulness have come secondhand to me, and I think this has lent a big hand to feeling this way. I’m content with where everything is going, how I’m feeling, to the point of thinking I may need to go with the flow a bit more. When I do, everything always seems to work out for the best. When I fight it, it’s always a losing battle and the universe ends up winning anyways.( But this is terrifying and I’m not sure if I’m quite new age-ey enough yet.)

I think this led me to get in my feelings a LOT more when I was confronted with serious feels at the FOB concert. It was magical, btw. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of, and is currently the second best thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. When they played songs I’ve listened to since I was 14, it made me realize how drastically different I am now.
Specifically, I was absolutely, positively m i s e r a b l e back then. Like many teens, I turned to music as a way to escape, and FOB was one of the bands I’ve listened to ever since. Remembering how I felt then got me in my feelings for about 2.5 seconds, until they started playing Thriller, and I was back in the moment immediately, fix me in 45. I may be at the concert in my head right now, don’t judge me.

When I got home, I got back in my feelings, and realized one of the perks of being 10+ years older, is that I’m 10+ years smarter. I’ve learned a lot about mental health in that time, and have decided to start a new section of this blog to dedicate to it.

I’m hoping I can collect some awesome resources for those unable to search on their own, and I hope it’ll be a safe space for anyone struggling with these issues. I’m a firm believer that NO ONE can understand your own unique depression, anxiety, bipolar, borderline, whatever. But, I do think we can listen, and be there, if nothing else.

Check back for this addition soon! I hope everyone has a safe weekend. I’m off to make pricing signs for the booth!

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